Public Health in Practice

Public Health in Practice

Unit code: HMG7200

Credit points: 12 

This unit explores how public health theories, principles and values have informed the practice of public health with a focus on program planning for health promotion. The origins and purpose of health promotion and the theories which inform health promotion practice are examined along with the potential of health promotion to positively influence the determinants of health and reduce health inequalities. Students will gain skills in a range of practical approaches and methods for promoting health. Students will use a project management cycle to assess needs, set priorities for action and plan and manage interventions that promote health in populations. Theoretical aspects of the unit will be reinforced through their application to local, national and global issues.

Learning outcomes


On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Critically evaluate the key theories and concepts which inform health promotion and locate these within contemporary debates in the field.
  2. Interrogate a range of approaches and methods for promoting health and exemplify how they are used in health promotion programs.
  3. Critically appraise models of health behaviour and behaviour change.
  4. Substantiate the application of the project management cycle to design a health promotion intervention for a specific community and elucidate theory and evidence to corroborate the selection of strategies and identification of outcomes.
  5. Interpret evidence to inform and apply program evaluation and management.




Critical review of health promotion theory (500 words) - 10%

Development of a health promotion Project Plan (2,500 words) - 50%

Five minutes scripted health promotion video related to health promotion project (2,000 words) - 40%


Related course/s


This unit is studied as part of the online Master of Public Health and Graduate Certificate in Public Health.