Nursing Leadership and Management


Unit code: HNO7006

Credit points: 12 

Nursing is a global profession that occurs within complex environments. Often nursing managers are responsible for being leaders and change agents within the profession and successfully managing teams. To be a successful leader or manager, students need to understand the challenges that currently impact on healthcare. This unit assists students in developing leadership knowledge and skills to achieve better outcomes for patients and create positive working environments. Unit content explores theories, concepts and leadership styles to help nurses further development their leadership potential and the skills of motivating, coaching, and mentoring.

Learning outcomes


On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Conceptually map nursing leadership theory, practice and contemporary issues in a globalised environment taking a critical perspective.
  2. Critically reflect on interpersonal skills as a leader and/or manager.
  3. Evaluate and assess a leader's actions using an integrated theoretical framework.
  4. Exemplify enhanced personal knowledge, skills and attitudes (including cultural competence) as they relate to the effective exercise of nursing leadership across boundaries.
  5. Articulate a personal leadership statement and action plan that demonstrates sound critical social analysis and a constructed understanding of what is an authentic leader.
  6. Apply an evidence-based approach to leadership and management in health to tackle an identified problem as part of a team.




Assignment: Reflection (500-1000 words) - 10%

Assignment: Personal Leadership statement (2000 words) - 40%

Research Paper: Evidence-based approach to leadership and management in health (2500 words) - 50%


Related course/s


This unit is studied as part of the online Master of Nursing, specialisation in Nursing Leadership.