Leading Improvement and Innovation

Leading Improvement and Innovation

Unit code: HNO6003

Credit points: 12 

One of the key performance indicators in management and leadership within nursing is to effectively lead improvement and innovation. In this unit students will determine key safety and quality concerns within the nurse practice environment and their influence on patient outcomes. Students will interrogate contemporary approaches, tools and techniques to improve the safety and quality of patient care. The unit requires students to formulate an approach to quality improvement that enhances an aspect of the nurse practice environment and patient outcomes in a specialised area of nursing practice. Students will also demonstrate the skills required to develop a teaching module to support an implementation strategy and ensure sustainability.

Learning outcomes


On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Generate a concept map of contemporary safety and quality concerns for a specialised area of nursing practice.
  2. Articulate, prescribe and advocate for an innovation needed within your area of speciality that would significantly benefit either the individual, a patient cohort, the group, the organisation or wider society.
  3. Design an improvement or innovation for processes, products or procedures needed in your area of nursing speciality.
  4. Conceptually map and develop an educational training professional development module for nurses to assist with an improvement or innovation.




Assignment: Contemporary safety and quality concerns (500 words) - 10%

Assignment: Improvement/Innovation plan (2500 words) - 50%

Assignment: Professional development module (2000 words) - 40%


Related course/s


This unit is studied as part of the online Master of Nursing and Graduate Certificate in Nursing.