Language and Literacy in the Primary Years 2
Unit code: ETP5002
Credit points: 12
Prerequisites: ETP5001 - Language and Literacy in the Primary Years 1
Successful completion of the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education students. (Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator).
In this unit of study pre-service teachers will explore multidimensional aspects of literacy education and the acquisition of literacy skills by critically investigating the organisation of print literary and digital texts. The unit aims to develop a pedagogical understanding of how to teach: compositional techniques, forms of print based and digital representation for receiving and communicating meaning to different audiences and for differing purposes and contexts. Pre-service teachers will be guided to build their repertoire of knowledge of literacy pedagogies and concepts to enable them to integrate theory and practice when planning to teach literacy across the curriculum. Through the unit pre-service teachers will investigate models for developing and responding to students speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing and creating. Pre-service teachers will also investigate curriculum and assessment rationale to include informal, formal diagnostic, formative, and summative approaches to assessing student learning from Primary years three to six. Pre-service teachers will be introduced to theoretical models of language and literacy to appraise literacy/language learning in the middle years of schooling when responding to diverse learners’ needs and abilities.