Health and Wellbeing for the Older Person SPECIALISATION: CHRONIC DISEASE AND AGEING)
Unit code: HNO7004
Credit points: 12
This unit will identify and clarify the role of the nurse to improve health outcomes and quality of life, for older people living with chronic disease. Using case studies and research, students will reflect on patient experiences, their interactions with the health system and self-management interventions and models. Students will investigate the effects of class, race, sexuality, gender and environment that influence a person's health and wellbeing and their motivations to manage positive lifestyle changes. Students will also investigate current evidence-based approaches that incorporate integrated care and self-management interventions to improve overall health. Students will critically reflect on best practices to work collaboratively with the individual, family and carers to address specific and individual needs to enhance patients' wellbeing and quality of life. Unit topics include investigating the promotion of a person-centred care approach, quality safety and risk and ongoing evaluation and maintenance of independence, choice, rights and quality of life.
Assignment: Conceptually mapping health promotion and wellbeing frameworks (500 words) - 10%
Portfolio: Reflection on patient experiences (2500 words) - 50%
Case Study: Evidence-based approaches to enhance wellbeing and quality of life (2000 words) - 40%
This unit is studied as part of the online Master of Nursing, specialisation in Chronic Disease and Ageing.