Ageing and Chronic Disease


Unit code: HNO7003

Credit points: 12 

A large proportion of older people have one or more long-term medical conditions. Older persons with a chronic disease or multiple physical and or mental co-morbidities, often require support and nursing care. This unit provides knowledge and skills to support older people living with chronic conditions, along with their family and carers. Students will analyse the variety of psychological, social and physical factors that contribute to ageing and chronic disease. This unit focuses on the nurse's role as advocate for evidence-based care, early detection, treatment and evaluation of care programs is emphasised. There is a focus on communication skills and the factors that build and sustain professional and therapeutic relationships, collaborative practice and the promotion of health care partnerships.

Learning outcomes


On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Investigate issues related to ageing and chronic disease.
  2. Propose current health prevention approaches, models and strategies that can improve patient outcomes.
  3. Critically analyse the theory underpinning physical, social and psychosocial effects of ageing and chronic disease and life limiting illness, and the effects on quality of life.
  4. Investigate care coordination and self-management in the context of quality, safety and risk in varied health contexts.
  5. Critically review patient self-management programs and their implementation in health care.
  6. Advocate, communicate and maximise evidence-based nursing care for older persons living with a chronic disease and their families and carers.
  7. Explore and deliberate interdisciplinary and collaborative practice and promote health care partnerships.




Assignment: Interdisciplinary and collaborative practice in ageing and chronic disease (500 words) - 10%

Case Study: Working collaboratively within interprofessional teams (2500 words) - 50

Assignment: The need for self-care (2000 words) - 40%


Related course/s


This unit is studied as part of the online Master of Nursing, specialisation in Chronic Disease and Ageing.