Nursing Management


Unit code: HNO7005

Credit points: 12 

This unit will explore the cognitive, technical and creative principles and practices required to undertake the role of manager/leader in a healthcare setting. The unit will introduce students to human resource management, financial and information management, legislative and policy development as well as education and quality and project management. A strong emphasis is placed on understanding and incorporating quality and safety, change management principles and evidence in management. Self-awareness and using knowledge gained from experience is also advocated. Students will develop analytical and inquiry research skills required of health managers. Students will also demonstrate mastery of management principles to achieve the best client and organisational outcomes in a continually changing healthcare environment.

Learning outcomes


On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Critically analyse the theory underpinning health care management.
  2. Appraise human resource management principles and identify key factors in performance management and staff appraisal.
  3. Deconstruct and interpret financial reports and funding opportunities requirements and consider budget strategies.
  4. Respond to current legislative requirements and standards by incorporating and developing appropriate organisational policy responses and actions.
  5. Interrogate and integrate data derived from information technology and systems, including resources to support the management role.




Assignment: Rethinking healthcare management (500 words) - 10%

Assignment: 21st Century Management Models (2000 words) - 40%

Research Paper: Evidence-based approach to leadership and management in health (2500 words) - 50%



This unit is studied as part of the online Master of Nursing, specialisation in Nursing Leadership.