Engaging with the Profession
Unit code: EED7004
Credit points: 24
Prerequisites: AEK7001 - Indigenous Perspectives in Learning and Teaching
EED7005 - Primary Specialisation Capstone (applicable for EMPE students ONLY)
Successful completion of the Literacy and Numeracy Test (LANTITE) for Initial Education students. Satisfactory completion of 38 days of practicum. (Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator).
This final unit in the course enables postgraduate students to encapsulate their work in the Masters of Teaching (EMES or EMPE) course. The unit enables students to work with lecturers, colleagues, principals, other school leaders and teachers in meeting National Standards in order to comply with registration requirements. Students will undertake a critical overview of teachers’ professional roles and responsibilities and will develop an awareness of the organisational and legal conditions of teachers’ work, informing relationships with and teaching students, planning and managing curriculum and pedagogy, working with colleagues in leadership teams, and engaging with the school and wider community.
Students will engage in professional experience in Primary or Secondary school, where they will refine their ability to organise content into effective teaching sequences, set achievable goals for students and demonstrate their ability to effectively use a range of resources. Students will also demonstrate the capacity to gather and interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice.
This unit connects with the course intentions of guaranteeing that graduate teachers have deep and connected understandings of the content they are teaching and the pedagogical approaches for implementing the curriculum, in addition to engaging professionally with colleagues, parents, carers and the community. This unit also connects to the course learning outcomes of displaying competence and sophistication in a range of oral and written communication techniques, including in the use of Information and Communication Technologies, to engage and connect with students, their parents/carers and the wider community, as well as recognition of the importance of fostering students’ creative skills, and problem solving strategies to prepare them to confront and pro-actively solve 21st Century challenges. Students will apply their critical understandings of the changing nature of society to the development of educational policies, curriculum, pedagogy and assessment processes relevant to school students’ needs.
Students will develop skills needed to seek employment, including preparing job applications, responding to selection criteria, interview techniques and awareness of professional networks and professional learning opportunities.